River Clean-Ups
Check the Events page for upcoming clean-ups!
What to Wear & What to Bring
The work required for river cleanups can be messy, dirty and require hard work. We highly recommend to anyone working in and around the River to be prepared for anything and dress appropriately.
Please bring:
Long sleeve shirts and long pants that are okay to get dirty.
Sturdy work boots.
Waders, hip boots, or muck boots (if you have them).
Work gloves.
Hats to protect from the sun.
Eye protection: either sunglasses or safety glasses for stray sticks or debris.
Plenty of water and a snack or two to keep your energy up.
Prior to anyone working directly with the River Raisin Watershed Council, we require each individual to fill out the following forms:
If RRWC equipment is being requested to use
please fill out BOTH of these forms:

As part of the Pre-Project Training, please read and watch these materials to get a better idea of what you will be working with.
Project Example:
Woody Debris Management
Woody debris can be defined as any dead, woody plant material, including logs, branches, standing dead trees, and root wads.
Is woody debris good or bad? Read the following links to find out.
Woody Debris Management 101 Clean and Open Method
Woody debris in urban watersheds
Chainsaw Training
River Clean-ups may require the use of a chainsaw. Check out the following links to learn a bit about safety and operation:
Chainsaw Operation

Plants to look out for:
While cleaning around the river,
here are some plants to be aware of:
Poison Ivy
Poison Oak
Poison Sumac
Stinging Nettles