Poster Contest 2024
The River Raisin Watershed Council is requesting applications for the fourth annual Poster Contest Award Program.
Do Your Part, Be Water Smart.
What can we do to be "water smart" and keep our watershed clean? Show us by creating an educational poster, or nature inspired drawing or painting that we can use to educate and inspire our community!
Grade Categories:
- Pre-K, Kindergarten & 1st grade
- 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grade
- 5th, 6th, & 7th Grade
- 8th, 9th, & 10th Grade
- 11th & 12th Grade
A winner from each category will get a prize. Each prize winner will receive $100 cash prize as well as $100 donation to their schools STEM education.
Applications Due: April 15th, 2024
Click here to download this years
application/information form.
Please send submissions to waterstewardship@riverraisin.org.

2020-2022 Poster Contest Submissions
Check out the talent from the students who worked hard to create their posters!